Friday, May 13, 2016

Rent a Chicken

Not sure if you wish to make a commitment to having chickens in your backyard. Before making a long-term commitment - try renting a chicken coupe and a few chickens for six months. There are two companies in BC that rent chickens and coupes. Click here to find rent a chicken organization in your area.

Click here for a newspaper article about renting chickens.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Egg #9 was first to pip

We could see late this afternoon (Monday. April 25, 2016) that the first egg (#9) has pipped. Egg #11 pipped secondly. This does not mean these eggs will be the first to hatch.

Pipping is defined as (of a young bird) crack (the shell of the egg) when hatching.

The incubator is on lock-down. This means that the glass covering should NOT be removed -- this is why the video is taken through the glass.

Look for the live feed tomorrow at 9 am (pacific) -- there will be lots of action.

Live Video Stream Link

Click on the YouTube icon to be part of the discussion. What would be good names for the chicks and which one will hatch first?

The eggs are from the following type of chickens:
1 - Mystery egg - we are not sure which hen laid​ this egg.
2 - Orpington
3 - Wyandotte
4 - Australorp
5 - Black Copper Marans
6 - Ameraucana
7 - Rode Island Red
8 - Australorp
9 - Rode Island Red
10 - Orpington
11 - Easter Egger - green egg

Friday, April 22, 2016

Which egg will hatch first?

The eggs are supposed to begin hatching on Tuesday, April 26th, 2016.

The live video stream will be available between 9 am and 2:30 pm (pacific) from Monday, April 25 to Friday, April 29th, 2016.

The following recording is from the live stream from Friday, April 22.

Which egg do you think will hatch first?

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Day 15 of the chicken hatch

Today was the 15th day of the chick hatch. We candled again today. Candling is like shining a flashlight into your mouth - you get to see what is inside. Candling is the same, but you are looking inside of an egg. It is used to test whether an egg is fertilized or not. It is also to see whether the embryo is developing as it should.

Lat week the embryo was a small dot -- about the size of a pea. Today you will notice in the video, the chick has grown quit significantly. You should be able to see movement of the chick, more blood vessels, and the air sac should be larger than last week. 

The chick's skull, beak, claws and scales on the legs all begin to become much firmer and the 'egg tooth', which will be used to break out of the shell, hardens. The 'egg tooth' will drop off the chick after it hatches. 

We started with 12 eggs and noticed last week, one of them was not fertilized. This week we noticed that all the eggs were healthy and we might get better than a 70% success rate. 

The following are the 11 eggs that were fertilized. Which one do you think will hatch first?

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Day 7 - Candling the chicken eggs

This video shows how to candle a chicken egg. Candling is like shining a flashlight into your mouth - you get to see what is inside. Candling is the same, but you are looking inside of an egg. It is used to test whether an egg is fertilized or not. It is also to see whether the embryo is developing as it should.

At day 7 one should be able to see a black dot with blood vessels. There should also be a small air sac at the big end of the egg.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

How to video stream - using YouTube

A student of mine help me set up a video stream. The how-to video - shows how to set up your computer to do a live video stream.